For whatever topic you might find yourself interested in, there is likely at least one blog dedicated to it. There are political blogs, humor blogs, news blogs, blogs on books, and my personal favorite- crime blogs. Steve Huff, the mastermind behind Huff's Crime Blog , and best known for being one of the very first (if not the very first) blogger to focus solely on crimes, and the criminals that commit them; has defined a "crime blog" as follows: CRIMEBLOG NOUN A personal website that may provide regularly-updated links to news articles about (typically) "high-profile" crime. A CRIMEBLOG may also include additional independent research, commentary, and speculation by the author about the news story. SEE ALSO: Websleuthing. CRIMEBLOGGER, noun CRIMEBLOGGING, verb Every week, the writers behind some of the best crime blogs around get together to share the stories that have captivated them, and then present the stories to you through our weekly carnival. This week, ...