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Showing posts from June, 2006

Society has to be kept safe

Seems about fair to me: Donald Boyd, who represented himself during his trial, had slashed himself with a razor in front of jurors while making his own closing argument last month. The jury later needed only 45 minutes to convict him of repeatedly beating and raping a woman in her Cliffside Park apartment in 2002. As a result, the judge sentenced him to life in prison, and then added 60 extra years . Categories: predators

Boy sent to jail, cell mate is child molester

A teenage boy, not even old enough to drive was convicted of using a firearm in the commission of a felony. According to court records , the boy pulled a semi-automatic handgun on a 14-year-old acquaintance during a marijuana deal. I think most of us agree that this boy was convicted of a crime, and should receive some type of punishment. He not only committed a crime, in attempting to rob someone, he was already committing a crime by participating in a drug deal. Add to it that he pulled a gun out, and well- let's be honest- he's no "misunderstood angel". However, despite my belief in tough punishment- I think this one may just be going over the line by a few miles. His first cellmate was his 16-year-old codefendant. He was later moved into a cell with Quinton Fisher, who, according to court records, pleaded guilty to two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor and one count of having carnal knowledge of a child between the ages of 13 and 15. Are we puni...

Excuse the interruption...

I was informed that the circus being held by the pedophiles concerning my actions (in which I merely informed Save the Children that the donation sent in was sent as a celebration Alice Day, the pedo Christmas, if you will) I thought I had done a rather good job of explaining my stand on a few things, but clearly I was wrong. Opps. So, what follows is a letter posted on the internet, written by self admitted pedophile Todd Nickerson- in which he still mis represents who I am, and what I believe. I'm going to block quote the letter, in portions so that you don't mistake his words with my responses. Continue Reading To Whom It May Concern: Recently I sent your organization a donation amounting to $1,535, sent as three different money orders in two separate envelopes. The first two payments, totaling $1300, was sent in the first envelope, the remaining $235 about a week later. The $1300 has been returned to me, leading me to believe that the final amount was either kept by your ...

Just to set a few things straight...

Some of you are going to be so very lost on this post. But, without getting into exactly what reasons are currently behind this post, I felt I at least need to make a few things clear to some obviously confused people. I'm Lilo- short for Lost in Lima Ohio. I'm not anyone else. If you read it here, and it is not in blockquotes and it is signed by me- those are my words. Attribute them to me all you want. I blog at a total of four places, including this one. If I say something here, I accept full responsibility for it, but it doesn't mean that it's seen as the finial word at the other places where I write. Hell, they might completely disagree with me, but you'll have to take that up with them. I may blog other places, be a member of certain blogrolls, or even comment at other places. But this is still my home , and I'm still me. Not a "them", just a me- spreading my opinions as I see fit. I don't do threats. It's just not my style. I may wa...

Not three, not two, not one...

Absolute Zero . As in "we'll accept absolutely zero of your demented justifications for the sexual abuse and sexual exploitation of children". It's the anti-pedophile site you should be blogging rolling right about now. While it's a new blog in the making, being born just this month, it has promising potential, and a rather large group of talented writers. A bit more "in your face" with their stand on protecting children, but let's face it would you really want them to be any less firm when it comes to protecting children? If you're kind enough to click over, you may just notice a familiar blogger on their growing list of contributors. So why not head over now ?

A Whole Different System for Voting in 2008

Some people will vote along party lines in 2008. Some will vote according to faith, others according to the issues that weigh most on their minds. Some will just vote according to whoever makes the best promises. It is strange how people will get to making their choice about which person they to lead the Nation, and although I have heard a varied amount of reasons for why people choose one candidate over the other, this by far is the most disturbing, sickening and utterly repulsive reasoning in the history of voting: I have decided to predict the next president not by the candidate’s political views, savoir-faire and fund-raising prowess but by something completely different. I have decided to make my prediction based upon what lovely First Daughter we can look forward to watching grow up for four to eight years. To give the older candidates a fighting chance, I have decided to evaluate granddaughters as well, but granddaughters will not be weighted as highly since we cannot expect ...

Let me point out...

It's been called into question just why it is that the money sent by paedophiles should be rejected by a charity organization that is dedicated to improving the lives of children. While I can not speak for the organization (And yes, that letter was received directly from Save the Children, and the only thing that was changed was the name. Because Eileen Burke was provided with my real name, and the rest of you are not), I will explain my own thoughts on the matter. These are my expressions opinions, and do not represent anyone else's. My Silent War asked if their money was tainted. Yes, yes it is. You see, reading Lindsay Ashford's "press release" was sickening. His embellishment of the truth is beyond acceptable. And his words about their acceptance of the donation was irresponsible, and self serving :" in so doing recognized our commitment to aiding the impoverished children of the world and enabled us to do so", according to Save the Children, in bo...

Just a Question...

I must admit that since reading the tragic story of Kelsey Briggs months ago, I have been strangely drawn to Oklahoma. I'm not sure if it is the incredible out pouring of love and compassion that I have witnessed while reading through hours of posts on the Kelsey Briggs forums, or exactly why I've grown so attached to some place I've never been. I can't seem to avoid the desire to read their news, to somehow envelope myself in what is going on there. Clicking onto the Oklahoma news sites has become as natural as clicking on to my local news sites. So, there I was, reading the news from Oklahoma, when I read about Banyan Blaze Roberts , a 21 month old little boy who was left sleeping in a car by his father. Banyan had a core temperature around 108 degrees when he was found, and later died from over heating. It's something that happens every summer, a parent somewhere forgets a little one in the car, perhaps the windows are left up, with the car turned off. The s...

Save The Children.Org

There are numerous charities out there that advertise themselves as a charity designed to help children in need. Most that you hear of are big enough to advertise in order to continue educating people about their services, and to help gather donations for what is a very worthy cause. Every now and then however, these organizations are given free publicity. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. For one such charity organization, the free publicity they were getting without their knowledge, wasn't the kind most child focused charities really want. Let me explain a little. This morning I received the following in a email, from a fellow blogger . Howdy, It seems that uber perverts Lindsay Ashford and Todd Nickerson are at it again. Nickerson, Ashford and their buddies have been trying to give themselves a 'good face' by donating money to charity! Yep, they managed to scrounge up over a thousand dollars that they sent in to Save the Children. What's worse, Save t...

Child Hospitalized After Eating Drugged Candy

First, I'd like to know who in their right mind would lace Sweet Tars with drugs. Given more, I'd like to know what sort of complete idiot would leave the tainted candies out where a child could possibly reach them. But mostly, I'd like to know what parent would take their child to the apartment lived in by said idiot, realise that there was a good chance the child had eaten 9 of the candies, and then take the child home. Not to a hospital, not to any sort of doctor or medical professional but home. And then not call the police, the hospital, or poison control- but call friends to come over. Cedar Park police said Ashli Rene Freas, 22, was charged Monday with child endangerment after taking her son to the hospital. An affidavit said Freas and her boyfriend over the weekend took her son to a party at an apartment. They went outside, leaving the boy inside with another adult. The man who leased the apartment noticed that his roll of SweeTarts, which had been laced with the dr...

Riding Against Child Abuse

I've always believed that each of us is responsible for doing what we can in an effort to protect those who can not protect themselves. Some do it by volunteering, some by donating what thye can, some simply by talking about it. It doesn't matter if you do as much as the person next to you, as long as you do what you can. Even if all you do is pick up the phone to speak for a child that can not do it for themselves. It's always moving to see the effort and commimentment other people make when they are supporting a cause they are moved by. And, it's refreshing to take a moment's break from the crimes and bring you the story of one person who is doing more than there part to help fight child abuse. George Ledbetter is embarking on a journey that will take him from Canada to Mexico. He's doing so to raise awareness and money for Childhelp ( ), an Arizona organization dedicated to helping abused children. Using his bicycle to try and stop the cycle...

The Hats They Wear

In the shop were tools of every sort- hammers, screw drivers, saws, large metal bending machines, an assortment that would have made any construction professional proud. They were all used by a master of the trade, a older man- with a gentle voice, strong hands- roughened by years of hard work, a grandfatherly look mixed flawlessly with a John Wayne character. Anyone who ever met him would describe him as the most trustful man they'd ever met. Down to earth, a man's man who had had an amazing grasp of how to melt the hearts of women in his younger days. Even now, I can say more good things about him than I can bad- it's just the that bad will forever overshadow the image of a man that was almost perfect. It's often that way with child molesters, they rarely hold the appearance of someone we should shun and warn our children about. To often those that pose the biggest danger to our children, are those that will trustingly let into our homes. They often possess qualities ...

Another Teacher...

Although this one goes without a name currently, we do have some of the information from the investigation into improper conduct by yet another female teacher, this time at a Fort Sumner NM school. Now, through requested documents, Target 7 learned that the allegations against the female teacher included initiating a sexual relationship with one of her male students and having sex with that student at least three times between February and April of this year. Also, sometime between January and April of this year, the teacher is accused of kissing a second male student and making offers of sexual contact with several other students. She was also allegedly sending sexually explicit text messages on numerous occasions to several students. Categories: school , women Teacher Accused Of Having Sexual Relations With Students

Ivan McKinney

Ivan Mckinney had to have been able to see a troubled kid coming from a mile away, after all- he is a former after school counselor, it was his job to be able to spot those that may be a little vulnerable, a little more in need of attention, those that come from a more troubled home than others may. His job required him to spot those kids, reach out to them, and provide them the assistance they needed. Investigators now believe that it was those same skills that enabled him to reach out to kids and victimize them. McKinney was charged with multiple counts of aggravated sexual assault and sexual assault to reflect different alleged sex acts, as well as endangering the welfare of a child and providing alcoholic beverages to minors. McKinney's case is a interesting one, and a scary one at best. It starts with the former counselor having two girls over to his apartment on June 5th. During that encounter, he gave the girls Brandy, and then proceeded to sexually assault one of them while...

Another Day, Another Judge

This time, the judge is in Ohio. And she didn't give a sad pitiful sentence to a child predator- nope not this judge. This judge dismissed the entire rape case. First, you have the alleged rapist- a young man accused of raping a nine year old neighbor. Next, Assistant County Prosecutor Mark Schneider, who claims that the judge acknowledged a year ago that she felt the victim lacked credit and had requested that said judge remove herself from the case. We have the judge, who dismissed the case because the prosecutor was late due to writing a motion requesting a new judge for the case. And lastly, we have a victim waiting seven long years for justice, only to be slapped in the face with the dismissal of the case and the release of her rapist. Of course, we have the judge stepping up to spew out this "excuse": "What the public doesn't understand, every day judges dismiss cases, because the state was not prepared, witnesses not ready," Gallagher said. I'm su...

So you want to sue MySpace

I believe, firmly that MySpace lacks anything close to "supervision" of it's members. I believe that they consist, as their policies stand now, of nothing more than a shopping center for those who would use a computer to stalk, seduce and abuse wayward children. As an adult arena- they just might be okay, but at this moment, they clearly are little more than a children's playground. That being said: Just how many TV shows, newspaper stories and network news casts need to be seen by a parent before the problem becomes not a MySpace problem but a lack of parental control problem? Let's face it, if you 14 year old kid has a unsupervised MySpace account... And you're okay with that, then you have to be willing to fully accept blame for whatever their usage of the site causes. After all, YOU are the parent. It's not MySpaces job to step in and explain to YOUR kid why meeting someone from the internet is a BAD BAD BAD idea. Sadly, not everyone gets that little ...

'Pleasurable' Attack

For a very brief amount of time, yours truly was employed at a facility working with mentally challenged people. These were not the sort of people who would ever be close to being considered "high functioning". They would never be able to raise to the level of living on their own, and for some, even the prospect of them ever being able to tie their own shoes was out of the question. Each one, my "wing" of the facility housed around 12, had developed to different level, a few could maintain a simple conversation with me, others could only communicate through rough gestures. And yet, they all seemed to understand that my role there was to help them. They knew the cooks were there to feed them, the nurses there to make them feel better, and the bosses were there to make sure everything ran smoothly. In the next level of housing were residents who could function a little more independently. They could be given tasks and accomplish them with a bit less difficulty than th...

Girl Scouts In Prison

Fellow blogger Chrys over at Pettifog forwarded this my way, and all I could do is sit back and shake my head while I read it. I'm not sure what is sadder, the fact that I've already admitted being from the town that the story originates from... or the fact that I didn't even see the story until she sent it. Lugging boxes filled with sandwiches, Hawaiian Punch, potato chips and sashes bearing merit badges, the girls file into a linoleum-floored visiting room on Wednesday afternoon. They range in age from 6 to 12; they are in shorts and purple Girl Scout T-shirts, in tennis shoes and ankle socks, their hair bouncing in pony tails, swept back with headbands, tied with sparkling barrettes. Their dads — most of them imprisoned for drug trafficking, serving sentences ranging from 36 months to 18 years — hang back for a few heartbeats, adjusting to an abrupt shift in reality. They have just been strip-searched before being allowed to change into identical polo shirts and khak...

Remembering Ashley- Revisited Post

Sometimes, there are those stories that haunt us. It might be just the heinous nature of the crime, or the young age of a victims... and sometimes it's just all the "what could have been's" that make one tragedy stick out more than another. Usually, when it comes to finding stories- I never really find myself at a shortage. Sometimes I get cases from recent news headlines, sometimes from other bloggers, and sometimes even from you readers. And then, every great once in a while- I'll be working on something completely different, not really looking for anything new to write about... and a story just seems to find me. I say they find me... because they are normally the ones that really stick with me, that do more than just keep me awake at night, they sink in and stay with me. Ashley Howley's case was like that. I was working on a story about a missing Columbus Ohio girl, and for some reason Google sent me to the wrong missing girl story. Well, maybe not the wron...

Carnival Of the True Crime Blogs

For whatever topic you might find yourself interested in, there is likely at least one blog dedicated to it. There are political blogs, humor blogs, news blogs, blogs on books, and my personal favorite- crime blogs. Steve Huff, the mastermind behind Huff's Crime Blog , and best known for being one of the very first (if not the very first) blogger to focus solely on crimes, and the criminals that commit them; has defined a "crime blog" as follows: CRIMEBLOG NOUN A personal website that may provide regularly-updated links to news articles about (typically) "high-profile" crime. A CRIMEBLOG may also include additional independent research, commentary, and speculation by the author about the news story. SEE ALSO: Websleuthing. CRIMEBLOGGER, noun CRIMEBLOGGING, verb Every week, the writers behind some of the best crime blogs around get together to share the stories that have captivated them, and then present the stories to you through our weekly carnival. This week, ...

Who's Responsible?

When a child is abused, or there is reason to suspect abuse, we all have a moral obligation to stand up and speak out for that child. Each of us hold responsibility to say something, to do something to ensure the protection of a child. We are the adults, and it falls into our hands to protect those who can not protect themselves. However, some people have more than just the average responsibility. Some people have both a moral, and a legal responsibility to report instances of suspected or possible child abuse. Those people include health care professionals, teachers and other educators, other persons. According to the Oklahoma Public Legal Research System, Oklahoma State Statue §10-7103 speaks directly to these individuals. This isn't about educators or "other persons". This is about the very professionals whose job directly involves protecting the well being of others. Health care workers, regardless of whether they are physicians or nurses have a unique position. They ...