Today marked an important day in the case of Jessica Lunsford's killer- John Evander Couey. Couey was in court asking that statements he made during an investigation into another child murder be thrown out.
Read full story at MSNBC
Categories: murders, internet,
A judge ruled Monday that statements allegedly made to detectives by the man accused of kidnapping, raping and killing 9-year-old Jessica Lunsford will not be allowed at his trial.
Circuit Judge Ric Howard said Orlando police detectives should not have been allowed to question John Evander Couey about a 1985 murder case because he had already told Citrus County authorities he wanted a lawyer.
A taped confession to Jessica’s slaying was thrown out in June for the same reason.
Read full story at MSNBC
Categories: murders, internet,
I sure hope she's not making any commission off those ads from the frequent hits her page has received (there was only one ad before, I believe).
I suppose she deleted her ramblings once she decided to keep the kids since she stated numerous times in her hastily-constructed webpage monologue how she was giving up her children for their own good. She could have also finally gotten advice from her public defender to keep her trap shut.
I sure hope someone saved it during the short time it was up.
I actually had sympathy for her in the beginning. But the more she talks the more layers fall away revealing nothing of real substance. The only thing left is the pitiful remains of a life fraught with poor decisions and selfish agendas.