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Showing posts from November, 2006

Boys Abducted

There is a current Amber Alert for two young boys around Cincinnati Ohio- A Child Abduction Alert has been issued for two boys believed taken by their father from a Middletown home. Police say 32-year-old Julius Crossty took 9-year-old Julius and 8-year-old Julian from 816 Yankee Road at about 8 o'clock on Tuesday night. Police say he could be having suicidal thoughts. The mother was found at the home with cuts to her legs. The father is described as standing 6'0", weighing 160 lbs. with black hair. Julius is 5'2", 90 lbs. with brown hair. Julian is 4'0", 80 lbs. with black hair. Crossty could be driving a gold 1999 Ford Taurus with the license plate DQM 6260. If you have any information, contact your local police or call 1-877-AMBER-OH. Hopefully more information will come soon, and as always we hope that information includes the news that they have been found safe, and returned to their mother. Thanks to fellow Lima blogger over at Right Moment for hav...

"guilty only of loving them"

I read a lot of bull when it comes to low life trash attempting to defend their actions in a court of law. I've been reading it, and hearing about it for so long, I usually can just skim over their self serving excuses and make my way to the real story. Some morning though, I just can't get past that first paragraph. It just leaves me STEAMING. 11 special needs children suffered inexcusable cruelty and abuse at the hands of two of Ohio's worst "parents"- Sharen and Michael Gravelle. Now, we've known all along that they planned to attempt the "it was for their own good" defense when they went to trial. And, sadly rather than just admit that they are worthless scum, they have proceeded with that defense . A couple on trial for putting some of their 11 adopted children in cages are guilty only of loving them, a defense attorney said Tuesday in his opening statement. "Eleven is a strain, a huge strain, but they did it for the right reason," sai...

Carnival Of the True Crime Blogs

I once read that no matter what your preference for online reading was, there was a blog somewhere dedicated to writing about it. Thankfully, it didn't take me long to find more than a few blogs that I could quickly relate to. I can't thank Steve Huff and Trench enough for paving the way for the crime blogs that came after them, as I've said on many occasions- they are the fathers of crime blogging. Wouldn't you know it, after a while these crime blog fathers had inspired a whole new generation of crime bloggers, and Trench and Steve decided to make an honest family out of us by officially adopting all the wayward little crime blogging kids that had been popping up along their trail and start an official True Crime Blogs group. I'm pleased to say that our family has continued to grow, and even more pleased to share with you that our crime blogging family has made it to the big one year anniversary . Now, I know normally on anniversaries the parents are suppose to ...

A whole bunch of sickening...

Due to a shortness of time on my behalf- I'm just posting a round up of stories that I've seen which have perked my interest in the last few days. Regular readers will most likely already know my thoughts on them, and really- none of them really need my commentary. A mother was arrested on suspicion of murdering her newborn daughter by putting the baby in a microwave oven. China Arnold, 26, was jailed Monday on a charge of aggravated murder, more than a year after she brought her dead month-old baby to a hospital. Adoptive Mother of 7-Year-Old Boy Gets Life in Prison for Killing Him With a Hammer - Baby Found Starving, Abandoned In Garage Marine charged with killing newborn son Indiana Mother Charged With Killing Her Four Children Special thanks to those who sent to me.

Another one...

Categories: predators , molesters , internet ,

Douglas Reed

A judge has sent a clear message to those who would produce and more than likely distribute child porn... Get a plea deal, and you'll get a slap on the wrist (although it should be noted that the slap will be almost painless). Court records in the Asheville, N.C., case said he admitted that he would “record, develop and duplicate material containing a visual representation of a minor engaging in sexual activity.” That activity is defined by state law as including masturbation, intercourse and “touching – in apparent sexual stimulation or sexual abuse – of the genitals, pubic area or buttocks.” However, instead of the 967 months in jail – nearly 81 years – for which he was liable, Judge Robert Lewis, another Democrat, gave him, in a plea bargain with the office of District Attorney Ron Moore, who was elected as a Democrat, a 10-12 month sentence. For the full disgusting misuse of the judicial position- please continue reading this heinous miscarriage of justice at Stop the ACLU . Ca...

Reduced Time...

Katie Collman was ten. She had friends and family that loved her. She had a life ahead of her, a world of possibilities at her feet. Until Anthony Stockelman decided to kidnap her, molest her, and throw her into a creek to die. Yes, the very same Stockelman that recently received a little mark of the beast upon his forehead... that now famous tattoo that has caused so much fuss. Keep in mind that the only reason Stockelman pleaded guilty was to avoid the death penalty. Because in his cowardliness he felt his life was more meaningful than hers was. Perhaps he feared the moment that he'd meet his maker, and just wanted to prolong the inevitable as much as possible. Whatever his excuse... it's pitiful and shameful, but we really couldn't expect anything more from that sort of scum, could we? Which brings me to this annoyance ... A man sentenced to life in prison for molesting and murdering a 10-year-old Crothersville girl is seeking to have the time reduced. Dustin Houchin,...

Yeah... Uh Huh...

Of the family that lives nearby, I am the sole adult female. Oh yes, there are others- many others, but of the ones we are close to- I am the headmistress when it comes to all the cooking, and all the holiday gatherings. I enjoy it. However, being the headmistress has some tough responsibilities- such as planning and cooking the entire Thanksgiving meal. And doing all the Black Friday shopping. I love both. They make up my two favorite days of the year. And the planning for them starts weeks before, thanks to places like Black Friday Ads having all the sales listed before they come out in the papers. Nothing I enjoy more than waking up at 3:30 and heading out at 4:30 in the morning to go shopping. It's an unwritten role in my house that despite whatever else may happen- nothing interrupts my rituals involving Thanksgiving and Black Friday. Sadly, not everyone in the world is willing to adhere to this role... as I went out last night to pick up a few extra items, and this happened...

Yeah... I'm grinning

I've come to understand that this blog isn't everyone's cup of tea. It can be downright depressing at times, and I can't even begin to tell you all how many times I've heard "I really enjoy your blog- although it makes me sick when I read it". I know it's not an easy read, and believe me- it's not easy to write it either. But every now and then, I get a compliment that just leaves me smiling, and makes all the heartburn worth it. Today, I think I found the best compliment I've ever seen - It’s a crime focused blog from Lima, Ohio which spends most of its time keeping track of sex crimes and perverts, kind of like the Law & Order SVU of blogs. Naturally, I just happen to love SVU. So, please take a second to click over to It's A Paul World , and tell him thanks. Categories: internet , bloggers ,

Newborn Found, Second one in two years...

There is no excuse, NONE that will ever justify things like this . It's sickening, harsh, and completely inhumane to just throw out a child as if they were a piece of trash. I can only hope that Baby Grace is the only offspring her parents ever have. God forbid they be able to continue to breed and discard more children. Categories: abused ,

Warren Jeffs in Court

The story is worth reading , if you can stand to see Jeff's smug face plastered at the side of the story. Warren Jeffs, leader of the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, is charged with rape as an accomplice for his alleged role in forcing the girl to marry her 19-year-old first cousin in 2001. Musser was the first witness at a hearing to determine if there is enough evidence to send Jeffs to trial. Categories: predators , molesters ,

He was partly naked...

But LE doesn't think that relates to any actual sexual offense on his part. Although he was 1) Caught at a school 2) Partly nude 3) Already has a conviction which has labeled him as a sex offender. Perhaps it's normal for people to be partly naked while stalking school grounds in the middle of November for sex offenders in AURORA.. I just don't know. Maybe someone can clear that up for me. A registered sex offender was arrested on Monday after he was spotted repeatedly driving around Gateway High School. Aurora Police say they arrested 30-year-old Daniel Lucky Denny for trespassing and making false statements to an officer after he was contacted in the high school parking lot. Categories: predators , molesters ,

IP Address

On a prior occasion, I mentioned that Comcast seems to attract more than the average amount of perverts using them as an ISP to search for child porn. Guess what? Tonights sick bastard also subscribes to Comcast services. Categories: predators , internet ,

James Bohannon

If I told you that a man was approaching victims, and forcing them at gun point to a secluded area before raping them- most of you might imagine the victims to be women. It wouldn't be your fault, but you would be wrong. James Bohannon is accused of the rape and kidnapping of a 14-year-old boy two years ago in Boldface Park, the sexual assault of an 18 year old, and the rape of a 19 year old. In fact altogether Bohannon is accused of raping eight men and young boys over the last two years. A former technology consultant who worked for Cincinnati Public Schools was indicted Monday on 20 charges alleging he sexually attacked eight men over the last two years. James Bohannon, 27, of Delhi Township, was already in the Hamilton County Justice Center after being charged last month with the rape and kidnapping of a 14-year-old boy two years ago in Boldface Park. A Hamilton County grand jury indicted Bohannon on Monday on three charges of rape, two charges of attempted rape, three charges ...

I was bored..

Bored, and extremely tired of hearing about OJ on every single channel. In fact I was so tired of hearing about how the book is a "confession", or how it's a book about how he would have done it, had he done it- despite the fact that everyone knows he did it that I had to change the TV channel. Which required me to get up and find the remote, seeing as how the little ones like to hide it during the day to prevent any unwanted channel changing during Cartoon Cartoon. It wasn't easy to find it either. But, after several minutes of frantic searching, I was able to locate it in another room, on a shelf, behind some toys. Gotta love them kids. Anyway, during my searching I was thinking about how I really needed a new look around here... and wondering what I could do about that. It was then that I realised that I had seen promotion link on the Fox website for the OJ interview ... OH FORGET IT... I changed it again after seeing this . Categories: internet , murders

Melanie Minniti

Woman sentenced as sex offender, ordered to 5 years probation ... "I'm not going to say I'm sorry because I didn't do anything wrong," she said, after four victim-impact statements were read in the courtroom. "They know I didn't hurt them." She once taught catechism classes at Holy Name of Jesus Church in Mullica Hill, worked at a day-care center in Mickleton, and was a homeroom mother at Harrison Township Elementary. In 2004, police arrested Minniti after the mother of a 7-year-old girl told authorities her daughter had been sexually assaulted at Minniti's home in Mullica Hill. The girl said Minniti had touched her genitals in 2001 and then threatened her if she told anyone. The girl, who was 3 at the time of the assault, had been a playmate of one of Minniti's children. Two additional children, siblings who were 6 and 10 years old in 2001, came forward and said they were molested by Minniti the same year. Ever notice how they are never sorr...

Roy Sawyer, 49, Child Rapist Wanted

He's charged with aggravated sexual battery, forcible sodomy, and taking indecent liberties with an 11-year-old girl... and yet he was able to get out on bail. Just days after he was charged with those crimes, police issued a warrant for his arrest again, this time for 20 counts of possession of child pornography, and using a computer to disseminate or produce child pornography, yet again he was able to make bail. On Nov 13th he appeared before a juvenile court judge, and was again allowed to remain on bond. Now police want to charge him with even more crimes... but this scum bag child rapist has disappeared . Police swore warrants today against Sawyer for additional charges of rape, forcible sodomy, aggravated sexual battery, indecent liberties with a child as custodian, and animate object penetration of a child. Police spokesman Chris Amos said officers could not find Sawyer. He was barred by court order from staying at the house he had been living in, Amos said, and could not be...

If at first you fail....

I suppose our latest candidate for Screen Captures of Pervs is a firm believer of the old saying "If at first you fail to succeed, then try try again". Because the sicko didn't give up after his first search for child pornography failed, instead he changed his keywords and came back again. His first visit looked like this: Referring Link girls blog&hl=en&lr=&start=10&sa=N Host Name IP Address Country Canada Region Saskatchewan City Saskatoon ISP Shaw Communications Inc And then before his cookie could even expire, the pervert decided to come back again, this time with a new set of key words... Referring Link girls blog&hl=en&lr=&start=10&sa=N Host Name IP Address Country Canada Region Saskatchewan City Saskatoon ISP Shaw Communications Inc Something tells me tha...

She loves me, I loved her

Your child survives nine months of horrible abuse- broken bones, bruises and more only to one day succumb to the beatings and die. Her beautiful smile, washed away by the agony that she suffered, her giggles quieted by the silence of death. Her story- The Kelsey Briggs story inspired both anger and hope in people all over the world. Anger that the people who should have been protecting her refused to, anger that the system put in place to save her failed... anger that her life was dismissed by so many that could have helped. Hope, because her death brought about changes, stronger laws to protect the children who would have otherwise found themselves walking in her shoes. Hope, because out of the pain a family who adored her and loved her showed us all that we can be better people- and make a difference against all odds- turning a tragedy into a opportunity to save other children. For those who have read Kelsey's Story, you know just how heartbreaking it is, and you know how inspir...

Forgive us for burdening you...

Believe it or not, I am not an angry person. I just can't stand those who refuse to use common sense, and those who blatantly toss the law aside. Oh, yeah- and I'm not to happy about those who would rape, molest, abuse or otherwise harm a child. Those people really piss me off. Normally, I am a very delightful person... right up until I have to read something like this: Attorneys for a Richmond man charged with receiving, possessing and attempting to distribute child porn are challenging a provision that requires that "contraband" in such cases remain in government possession. Courts are required to deny defense requests to copy the evidence, provided the government makes the material "reasonably available" to the defendant. In the case of David L. Knellinger of Richmond, his lead attorney, Ian N. Friedman of Cleveland, claims defense experts need unfettered access to the evidence to determine its authenticity. Allowing the government to dictate when and whe...

Stupid Sex Offenders....

Here's a novel idea, if you don't want someone telling you that you can not live in areas close to places where children attend school, then try to grasp this "Do Not Commit Sexual Offenses". Really, it's that simple. Of course, if it's too late for you to heed that warning, because you've already committed them, and already been convicted- then I suppose you should just get over it. Better luck next time at not being a sick demented monster. Perhaps you're one of those lucky folks who believe in reincarnation- and the next time around you'll be able to manage to keep your pants up long enough to make it through life without being a pervert. But, honestly other than that the very best advice I can give you is- go to hell. Really. I don't want you near my kids school, and neither do a lot of other people. Now, some of these disgusting scum bags will decide that their "right" to live near a school over rides our children's rights to...

Welcome aboard...

A little over a year ago, it came to the attention of a few well meaning people that a new sort of blogging was growing into a ever popular forum- Crime Blogs were suddenly popping up everywhere- with much of the credit of that going to the original crime blog fathers- Steve Huff, and Trench. Trench took it on himself to provide a home for crime bloggers in the way of a forum, and a blogroll dedicated to those sites that focused on true crimes all of types. The blogroll grew to include many great writers, and was a great benefit to anyone interested in the True Crime. I'm sure many of you caught one or two Carnivals of the True Crime Blogs, which were presented every week by a different member of the group. Those within the blogroll shared ideas, tips, and just everyday thoughts on current cases, past cases, and so much more. Sadly, not even a year after it's birth- the True Crime Blogs group has passed on, and I suppose that there are many reasons for this. However, in it'...

Excuse me, Your (un)Honor

Unhonor. Nonhonor. Dishonor. The last one makes most sense, and yet just doesn't convey the true feelings I have right now on the unhonorable U.S. District Judge Susan Illston. Our government is made up by three separate, but equal parts- the Executive Branch, The Legislative Branch... and the commonly Stupid Branch, also know as the Judicial Branch. It is suppose to be a equal system of checks and balances, provided to maintain a equal divide in the power of the government... and intended to keep one branch from becoming complete asses who believe they have the authority to do whatever they wish. We've seen it in the past, where someone belonging to one branch decided that they should not only be allowed to do their job, but they should be allowed to do the job of everyone else too. Edward Cashmen tried it when he ignored sentencing guidelines and handed out a month or so of vacation to a child rapist. He's even come out defending himself, saying as he pats himself on the ...

And the answer is "NO"

You all know that I like to help people out, and that I like to post screen captures of my stat referrals. (Okay, so normally they are the bad ones... but hang in here with me for a moment) Today's screen capture left me laughing. And made me realise that amid all of the bad in the world- there's still some good. Of course, maybe the child in question isn't seeing it that way... but every parent who has supplied their little angels with TV's, phones, computers, games, toys, and gadgets know what I am talking about, especially since so few of us had all of that in our rooms when we were growing up. (read the line on referring link to see the search terms) No, dear friend... it's not child abuse, but thanks making me smile. Categories: misc

Family Ran Down

A hit-and-run driver struck a couple crossing a street with a stroller, killing a woman and her two young children and injuring the youngsters' father, police said. Two men were arrested early Saturday . Wreckage from the stroller was strewn across the busy intersection Friday night in the popular LoDo district of restaurants, clubs, stores and sports venues. "I went down there and it was a well-lit street," said police spokesman Sonny Jackson. "There was no excuse for it. It is one of the most horrific accidents we've had." Categories: murders

Brandon Alan Austill

So many times we hear that children who come from an abusive home often suffer long into their life, and many times (though not always) they continue the cycle of abuse. As children they learn from watching that violence is an acceptable way to express frustration, anger, and a entire range of other emotions. Hitting, kicking, beating- it's often times all they have ever come to know- so it's no mystery as to why they then grow up to be abusers themselves. Now, not all do. Some do. But not all. And being abused as a child is not excuse for abusing a child when one grows up. A person is not destined to have to follow in the footsteps of their parents... we can be better. We can move forward, and stop the cycle- if we want too. Sadly, it doesn't seem that Brandon Austill moved beyond the years of abuse he suffered, rather he continued in the violence towards his own child. It would have started in 1994, with an appeal to the removal of several children from an abusive home,...

Well, he wasn't a real estate agent...

Many of you will recall the case of the woman who was surprised to find that her real estate agent was a convicted sexual offender ... it was a scary thought for us all, well this one is even more scary: A man with keys to apartments housing kids has been hiding his secret past. An apartment complex manager, revealed as a convicted child molester. For more on this, in video form (and worth watching) click over to Categories: predators , molesters ,


Investigators: Police corporal invited sex offender to live with his family Police Corporal David Frietag, friend of the sex offender. Child molester gets 30 to 90 years in prison From foster child of, to business partner of, to boyfriend of a pedophile... I suppose it wasn't a big leap for them to begin molesting children together. Accused child molester free on bail He worked at a Great Wolf Lodge, when a child showed up separated from his parents, rather than helping the child find them, this monster molested him. Woman who killed rapist gives details of attack A little good news, the woman is recovering from her attack, and now is sharing more information on the story. See pervious post on the case . Categories: predators , molesters ,

Amy: My Search for Her Killer

Amy Mihaljevic, a sweet looking girl, shoulder length blond hair parted a half pulled up in pony tails, a grin fitting of any school photo... and a murder that would go unsolved for almost twenty years now. Being from Ohio, I am prone to take interest in cases that what I would consider "home grown", those that happen in my own state. While I wasn't aware of Amy Mihaljevic, or her murder before tonight, in a brief moment I was quickly interested and longing to know even more about this still unsolved case. Normally I leave the suggesting of books to the professionals, but like I said, I tend to get a little more interested in local stories- and to be honest the preview of the first chapter was more than enough to hook me. Of course, the description of the case from the author didn't hurt either- On October 27, 1989, 10-year-old Amy Mihaljevic was abducted from a shopping center, in broad daylight, across the street from the Bay Village, Ohio, police station. The town,...

I forgot... again

I am getting bad at sharing things that I fully intend on sharing with you. Take for instance, the case of Danny Rouse. I had read the news on him a few times, at a few different places, and was planning on writing a post when I ended up at Merri Musings . I read her post on him... and decided that she pretty much summed it up perfectly for me, so I was just going to link to her on it. And then I forgot. Well, I didn't really forget, I just ended up getting distracted and then not having the time, and then posting other things... until tonight. When I was over there once again, and decided to stop reading and share the story with you . Because it's one everyone should read . And one that says it all, without saying too much. (unlike some of my posts where I tend to ramble a bit.) Go, Read, Now. Categories: predators , murders

We are on the Internet 24/7

"The message to all pedophiles, and people who want to sexually exploit children on the Internet is that we are on the Internet 24/7, we know where you are and we will find you," Detective Paul Krawczyk said. The man on the other end of the computer screen knew what he was watching was a horrific blatant display of sexual abuse of a young child... happening live right before his eyes. What he didn't know was who the child was, or where the pervert molesting her was located. It would take less than two hours for the child to be found and rescued- thanks to the hard work of Detective Paul Krawczyk . The girl, a preschooler, was rescued two hours later in what Toronto police's child exploitation unit said was its first case of observing a live assault. "My first reaction was that I wanted to reach through the monitor and grab the child," said Detective Paul Krawczyk, the undercover officer who witnessed the alleged assault Sunday. He alerted police in St. Thoma...

33 Pounds

When post people picture a 33 pound person- they imagine a small loving child, maybe a chubby little three year old with big eyes and a bright smile. Few picture a 19 year old, however when teacher began to worry about the lack of presence of a former student for the new school year- her interest in this young woman would lead her to seeing a very malnourished frail girl- ""bony -- skin deteriorating to the point you could see the bones underneath the skin. " The teacher grew so worried that she paid a visit to the student's home, and asked the teen's mother, 44-year-old Ronda Ferrell, where her daughter was. The teacher said Ferrell didn't let her in the house. "When the child showed up for school the next day, they noticed the child was very malnourished," said Risner. Detective John Fogle, who is investigating the case, described the teen as "bony -- skin deteriorating to the point you could see the bones underneath the skin. It reminded me ...

A Mothers Love

A few times, I have referred to the old line about a mother being as protective of her children as a mother bear is of her cubs. And while so many of you understand that, more than one person has taken offense at it. But, I believe it is fitting. Because there are so many cases where a mother has demonstrated strength beyond her normal abilities- a pure rush of adrenaline completely inspired and invoked by her instinct to protect her own- at all costs. It doesn't happen everyday, and all to commonly we hear stories which remind us that mothers can be some of the biggest dangers to their own children. And, of course- I would be shamed not to mention the simple and honest fact that there are as many man who demonstrate this empowering instinct as there are women. Parents in general are an amazing group of people. While almost everyone has the ability to become a parent (either naturally or through legal means) some parents seem to belong to a family of rats, given their nature to kil...

Things to do on a Tuesday Night...

Some people spent the day doing productive things, like voting. Or working. Or just having a nice quiet day. Others spent the day looking for child porn. They ended up here instead. And, you know how I like to welcome them to my place.... So, for our little welcoming party we have: Surely a winner if you ask me. I wonder if Verizon knows what their customers are up too. And let's not forget Mexico- I only added this one in because well let's face it, it might not be long before they jump the border and begin searching for child pornagraphy State side. And then there is my all time favorite ISP- which seems to be the most often used ISP of the pervs. They aren't so friendly when you tell them their customers spend the day searching for illegal images on the net. Categories: predators , molesters , internet ,

Kelsey Briggs Law

For those who would like to know, the first of this month brought a new law to the land of Oklahoma, one designed to save the lives of children and inspired by the loss of one very special child. Kelsey Briggs Law An Oklahoma judge placed a young child back into the arms of her mother, who was suspected of child abuse. About a month later, the child died. The death of 2-year-old Kelsey Smith-Briggs prompted lawmakers to investigate how child abuse cases are handled by judges and state agencies. The Kelsey Briggs law went into effect Nov. 1 and is designed to "provide more accountability with judges to place a child in a certain situation," and also frees up money for special investigations of possible child abuse and to hire 100 more caseworkers. "The ramifications of this bill are a lot broader than this particular case," said Rep. Kris Steele, R-Shawnee. There were about 52 child deaths in Oklahoma linked to child abuse or neglect last year, he said. The law allow...

He was at their wedding...

I get so tired of people saying that it's not a brutal crime, that it's not destructive, because so few of them realise the extent that the abuse reaches, how far it spreads causing pain and grief to so many. When a child is sexually abused, it effects their parents, their siblings, their relationships with other adults, their friendships with their playmates... and later in life the people they date or marry... even their children. This is a prime example of how the molestation of a child can effect a parent, and victim impact statements are so important: The presiding judge in the case, Judge Karen Conrad, said she considered the impact of the crime on the victim’s family when she decided his sentence. "The betrayal they felt,” Conrad told Snyder at his sentencing, referring to the victim’s family. “Her statement that she had to destroy wedding album pictures because you were in their wedding 18 years ago. Her husband's statement that I should not believe anything yo...

Khalid Adem

Khalid Adem received ten years (which is about 120 too short) for the heinous assault on his daughter in which he " used scissors to remove his daughter's clitoris in his family's Atlanta-area apartment in 2001 ." I can't even begin to tell you how completely disturbing this practice is, or how utterly disappointed I am that he only received 10 years. He could have received 40... but even then that wouldn't have been enough. H/t Reader Categories: predators , abused , assault ,

Something for Today

Don't end your day without doing the most important thing of all- Categories: Misc ,

Bill Conradt

It's one of those stories that we are hearing more and more of each day. Although with a different twist in the end. Perverted Justice once again has teamed up with Dateline, to catch a predator (or two, or twenty) in a small town by posing as underage children online, and waiting for the scum bags to arrive at the decoy house. This time, the sting was arranged to happen in outside of Dallas in Murphy Texas. Bill Conradt was one of the men who had arranged to come to the home, for what he thought to be a visit with a child, and what Dateline had actually planned to be a bust. Although Conradt never showed, authorities believed they had enough against him to press charges... so they showed up at his home with a warrant. Robertson said police had "plenty of evidence" to charge Conradt with the second-degree felony of soliciting sex from a minor based on his Internet chat, which dated back over the past month. They also had obtained a search warrant to seize his laptop comp...


And people say that they are cracking down on illegal workers, companies that hire them, and blatant attempts to throw our laws to the gutters. heh. I suppose the new excuse should be "they do jobs that Americans won't (because Americans can't read the wanted ad in the paper seeking Spanish only employees)". Categories: Misc ,

A Better Sentence...

How's life plus 275 years in prison sound? Sixty-two-year-old Walter Jack Childers was convicted last month by an Oklahoma County jury that heard evidence of his long-term sexual relationship with an underage boy. Jurors watched a 20- to 30-minute sex tape before convicting Childers on 16 counts of rape, sodomy and lewd acts with a child. Prosecutors say the acts depicted on the homemade videotape were so disturbing that one juror has had to begin counseling. The sentence may be more than the last one I posted... but it's still not nearly enough. Categories: predators , molesters ,

A Whole 150 Days...

Because after all, he only lives within 100 yards of the victims home, he only attempted to molest her, he only is a pedophile. Why should he actually be punished for that? San Juan Bautista resident William Lavagnino Jr., 53, was sentenced to 150 days in county jail and five-year probation for the attempted molestation of an 11-year-old neighbor girl possession of child pornography. During the sentencing hearing Wednesday morning at the San Benito County Courthouse, Superior Court Judge Steven Sanders gave stern warnings to Lavagnino about following the conditions of his probation and staying away from the 11-year-old girl he allegedly molested. In attendance were Lavagnino's mother and sister; absent was the victim's family. In their place was a victim's impact statement, which may have kept Lavagnino from being sentenced to the maximum of four years in prison for his no-contest pleas. The court was swayed by the victim's impact note and accompanying letters of testim...

It's so hard to find a good real estate agent these days...

Nothing like inviting a sex offender in to your house, and finding out he's a sexual offender : She was appalled even angry when she found out he was listed on the Megan’s Law Website. The agent, Richard Whitney, convicted of lewd or lascivious acts with a child. “I find it absolutely unacceptable that the state of CA allows registered sex offenders and known predators unquestioned access into our homes,” said Reece. Agents do have easy access, through lockboxes found on just about every home for sale. In the state's decision to pull Mr. Whitney's license, they cite his ability to open lockboxes, which contain the keys to the homes. If you knew that the realtor coming to your home this evening to show your house was a registered sex offender you might have a second thought about letting that person in you home, in your' child's room. The department of real estate refused to go on camera to discuss this topic. They said they have to follow state regulations. If a per...

What's Your Shirt Say?

Well thanks to Superior Court Judge Jan Jurden in Wilmington , Russell Teeter's shirt says just about all we need to know about him... A Delaware judge on Friday ordered a man who twice exposed himself to a 10-year-old girl at his workplace to wear a T-shirt with the words: "I am a registered sex offender" in bold letters, a prosecutor said. Russell Teeter, 69, who pleaded guilty to two counts of indecent exposure, also was sentenced to 60 days in jail... Personally, I don't believe that 60 days is anything more than a prolonged vacation with three square meals a day, and a shared room... but no one asked for my thoughts before sentencing this pervert to this mini getaway. Categories: predators , molesters ,

Amber Shanklin

Hallie Shanklin was just ten months old, and in those ten months her mother, Amber had displayed a pattern of neglect that eventually led to Hallie's death . Last May, a 911 call was made from Shanklin's House. The voice on the phone said, "We went into the bedroom. The baby is dead." Hallie had been dead for hours. She suffered severe malnutrition and dehydration, prosecutors say. Plus, Hallie's severe type 1 diabetes had not been properly cared for. "When I found her I fell on the floor. I couldn't believe my little girl was gone," said Shanklin. Shanklin says she fed her baby three hours before her death and always checked her blood sugar levels and gave her insulin. Police say it's simply not true. One family photo showed Hallie eating dirt from a planter. Police say it's a possible warning sign of her body's desperate need for protein. It's very simple people, if you bring a child into this world- you alone are responsible for en...

Bryan Nicholas Garcia

His defense was simple, he just wanted to take the girl home and have a little fun with her. The problem with this wasn't that she didn't agree, it is that she couldn't- as she was dead. A 23-year-old Clover man who police say tried to dig up the grave of a 12-year-old girl after seeing her picture in an obituary has been sentenced to 20 years in prison. Bryan Nicholas Garcia never did find the girl's grave and told investigators he wanted to " take her home and have fun ," Clover Police Lt. Randall Horn said. Garcia pleaded guilty but mentally ill Wednesday to two charges of destruction of a graveyard. Circuit Judge John Hayes sentenced Garcia to 20 years in prison and ordered him to register as a sex offender. Two mental evaluations found Garcia has a chemical imbalance in his brain that makes him want to have sex with corpses and children, defense attorney John Rhea said. It was bad enough when we had to worry about our daughters being preyed upon at some p...

Musical Predators, Remixed

In an interesting twist the the original " Musical Predators ", it seems that Canada may have had a change of heart about keeping our sex offender on locked up rather than on their side of the border. Canadian authorities on Friday freed an American sex offender who was sentenced by a U.S. judge to three years "exile" in Canada, but the man still faces deportation proceedings. Former teacher Malcolm Watson, convicted of having sex with a 15-year-old girl, was arrested Thursday by Canadian border guards as he returned to Canada from a hearing in Buffalo, New York. A New York state judge had allowed Watson to live in Canada on probation rather than have him spend time in a U.S. jail. Ottawa, unhappy about what it sees as U.S. courts dumping unwanted offenders in Canada, wanted Watson to stay in jail until a hearing to determine whether he should be kicked out of the country. But a judge ruling on the merits of Watson's detention decided otherwise, releasing the ma...


With the news of the US population being (by now) over 300 million... I suppose that 10,733 doesn't seem like such a big number. However, it was the 2005 population of Glade County Flordia ... and the rural population of Statesville, NC in 2000. Just big enough of a number to make a small town, or a large rural community and fill it with the sex offenders, gang members and other fugitives that were recently arrested by the Department of Justice . Last week's roundup, led by the U.S. Marshals Service, included Allen Marksberry, an unregistered sex offender in Rickman, Tennessee, who was baby-sitting several young children when he was arrested on October 24. 10,733 newly arrested inmates, and thousands more just waiting to be picked up in the next round of Operation Falcon. Thanks to a reader for the tip. Categories: predators , molesters ,

Kaiser Permanente Medical Care Program

I'm hoping that this is nothing. Because, of the two possibilities that it offers, neither are good. Categories: predators , molesters ,

And the Band Played On

Okay, I know... tacky title. But, you don't know how long I've been dying to use it. Actually, regular readers might know- as I sort of, kind of mentioned it in passing a while back. The story goes something like this, a tip from another Right Winged Lima blogger, (my favorite kind btw) Right Moment was that a local- and by local I mean I could throw a stone and land it within the school district- school seems to have had a band director who was , a little overly friendly with students. Now, the guy behind Right Moment had only a few small town rumors and a briefly heard spot on a local talk radio show to back up the story he was telling... but guess what? Small town rumors are often right, especially on such a touchy subject. And let's face it, the fact that the band guy resigned hinted that there was something to the story after all. So, here it is. Elida High School, home of the Bulldogs and a plea for votes to pass a levy... had a band director. Who had a relationshi...

Hello Friends...

First, a big thanks to those who were kind enough to send condolences, and hugs. They were all greatly needed, and very touching. I'm not sure how "back" I am, but there are so many cases that are piling up, and so many that I feel the need to share with you, and well- it's time to distract myself. I've got a few posts in the works right now, and will be trying to get them finished as soon as possible. Again, thank you very much for all your kind words. Categories: Misc , Shared At 123Beta