I've mentioned this before, in passing, but it's relevant so I'm bringing it up again. Growing up, my immediate family all were active Jehovah's Witnesses, therefore we didn't celebrate any of the holidays or birthdays. As a child this never really bothered me much, because having never experienced any of that- I didn't know what I was missing. I'm grown now, with a family of my own, and I try to always make every celebration a little more special- I suppose I'm attempting to conpensate for what I didn't have as a child. When I imagine my children all grown, I want them to be able to look back and and have memories to smile about. And, while they are still young enough to believe in the magic of the holiday's, I want them to just be wowed by all of it. Last year, my older children came up with the greatest of ideas on Christmas Eve. They had planned out a way for their dad to snap a photo of Rudolf, so that we they woke in the morning, they'd...